BBL Hero

Sciton’s BroadBand Light is well known in the industry for being the most robust and powerful IPL. With the release of the groundbreaking BBL HERO, Sciton elevates the market yet again. HERO treats the entire body with Forever Young BBL™ AND Forever Body™, designed to deliver dramatic tonal and textural improvements anywhere on the body in a quarter of the time.

BBL is the only device that has been shown to change the expression of genes associated with aging, longevity, and increased lifespan. With regular Forever Young BBL treatments, patients’ skin looks clear, smooth, and much younger.

Skin issues like acne, redness, and hyperpigmentation start below the skin’s surface, which is why topical products alone are often ineffective. Reaching the source of the problem requires an advanced treatment like the Sciton BBL (broadband light). Our certified laser specialists use BBL for scar revision, acne treatment, and vein treatments.

BBL Benefits:

  • Long lasting results: Studies include patients treated 10+ years ago.
  • Effective on all body areas: Face, neck, chest, arms, and hands.

Additional Information

What is BBL Hero?

BBL is a highly versatile treatment that can correct many of the same conditions treated by lasers. BBL treatment may be an appropriate solution for the following:

  • Acne or acne scars
  • Age spots
  • Uneven skin pigmentation
  • Unwanted spider veins or moles
  • Broken capillaries or redness
  • Rosacea

BBL HERO™ (High Energy Rapid Output™) is revolutionary technology added onto the BBL handpiece, ensuring Forever results are quickly delivered anywhere on the body.

  • NEW: BBL HERO innovations deliver 4x the speed, 3x the peak power, and 2x the cooling, creating greater capacity to treat more patients quicker and is the world’s most powerful IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) device on the market.
  • Quickly treats the face and large areas such as back, arms, and legs in 2-5 minutes without stamping.
  • Optimal combination and versatility of treatments with all the capabilities of your favorite Sciton systems such as BBL Forever Young, BBL Forever Clear, Halo and Moxi.

How does BBL Hero work?

BBL uses low-frequency photothermal energy to safely and gently heat deep layers of skin. Damaged cells absorb this energy and are stimulated to generate new collagen – an important building block of healthy-looking skin. BBL uses a broad range of energy wavelengths to allow for more complete improvements and evenly-treated skin. A thermoelectric monitoring system adjusts the temperature of your procedure, eliminating the need for pain medication and ensuring that you remain comfortable during treatment.

What can I expect?

During your consultation, we will thoroughly assess your skin. Based on this information, your skin care specialist will develop a step-by-step plan to help you achieve the results you are looking for.

The treatment is very gentle and requires minimal downtime. No anesthesia is needed, but you will be provided with eyewear for protection during the procedure. Treatments are performed by one of our certified laser specialists.

Your treatment provider will apply the BBL hand piece to your skin and deliver precise pulses of light energy to the treatment areas. This can produce a light stinging sensation that is usually well-tolerated by most people. The entire procedure should take under 1 hour.

Post-Care Instructions

You will be asked to wear sunscreen for several weeks after treatment in order to protect your skin as it heals. The skin may appear flushed for a few days after BBL and certain dark spots may become darker. This can be covered with makeup and will resolve within about 10 to 14 days. Within a few weeks, your skin will look brighter, clearer, and more youthful. Your skin can be further improved with subsequent BBL sessions, usually between 3 and 5, or complementary treatments like chemical peels or injectables.