PRP/PRFM Under Eye Therapy
Platelet rich plasma eye rejuvenation, or PRP eye rejuvenation, is a cosmetic, non-surgical process that tightens the skin around your face and eyes to give you a more youthful appearance. Brightening the undereye area, addresses “crepy” skin, increase collagen production and thicken skin under the eyes.
This process includes taking a small amount of blood from your arm and then separating the red blood cells and plasma so that the plasma, rich in platelets, can be reinjected into the skin around your eyes or applied topically. While it may sound a little scary, PRP eye rejuvenation is essentially tricking your skin into thinking that there is an injury at the site of injection or application and so the platelets help the skin create newer, tougher cells. It’s these cells that are responsible for the more youthful appearance that PRP promises.
PRFM is the next generation PRP. PRFM takes the power of platelets and adds a scaffolding to preserve and protect the platelets. Our system for preparation of PRFM is through a controlled process. When mixed with just the right amount of calcium chloride, PRP is converted to a fibrin matrix. This fibrin matrix creates a three-dimensional scaffold to maintain the platelets at the site of application and allows for sustained growth factor release. Studies have shown that platelet growth factors are released for up to seven days, supporting collagen production and increased blood supply, which results in overall skin improvements.
Up to three treatments may be needed.
*Results may vary.
Additional Information
PRP/PRFM Under Eye Therapy?
What can I expect?
Pre-Care Instructions
If you develop a fever, cold, flu, or inflammation in the treatment areas we must reschedule. Use of PRP/PRFM treatment with a heightened immune system increases risks for complications.
We recommend treating no sooner than 3-4 weeks before a special event or upcoming vacation to allow time for adequate healing and swelling to subside.
If you have a history of cold sores, please let your provider know so that we can be proactive.
Discontinue use of anti-inflammatory drugs steroidal and non-steroidal (i.e. aspirin, ibuprofen, Medrol, predisone, advil) at least 3 days to 1 week before your treatment. With PRP, we want inflammation; this is one of the mechanisms of how PRP does its work.
If you are or have been on steroids within 2 weeks of treatment, we cannot treat you. Consult your physician for approval to discontinue the use of steroids and receive treatment.
Discontinue use of any other blood-thinning agents such as Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Gingko Biloba, Garlic, Flax Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s and DHA’s) etc. at least 3 days to 1 week before and after treatment to minimize bruising and bleeding.
We recommend avoiding alcohol, caffeine, Niacin supplement, spicy foods, and cigarettes 3 days before and after your treatment. (All of these may increase risk of bruising)
Post-Care Instructions
Do NOT touch, press, rub, or manipulate the treated area (s) for at least 8 hours after your treatment. It is normal to experience: bruising, redness, itching, soreness, and swelling lasting up to 10 days following your procedure.
AVOID Aspirin, Motrin, Ibuprofen, Aleve (all non-steroidal and steroidal anti-inflammatory agents) Remember, we are creating inflammation to initiate the rebuilding and repair process.
If you experience discomfort or pain, you may take Tylenol or other Acetaminophen products
You may apply ice as needed for comfort after the procedure, but keep in mind this also limits the necessary inflammatory process.
Do not use any lotions, creams, or makeup for at least 6 hours after your treatment
AVOID vigorous exercise, sun and heat exposure for at least 48 hours after your treatment. Use an SPF 30 or higher.
AVOID: Alcohol, caffeine, and cigarettes for 48 before and after your treatment
Smoking impairs healing times therefore increases chances of complications and reduces effectiveness of treatment.
Maintain a healthy diet and drink at least 64 oz.’s of water the day of the treatment